Want to be more productive without the flare-ups?

High-achievers, perfectionists, women

Whether you find yourself held back by flare-ups or pushing through your pain in the name of perfectionism, showing you are still capable, or because you don’t want to disappoint people… 

I offer a proven solution that has worked for so many women with all kinds of chronic pain symptoms to restore sustained activity, reconnect with what brings them joy, and accelerate their recovery... without being controlled by their flare-ups.

Be part of the fastest growing community exclusively for high-achieving women with chronic pain.

Rewrite your story.  More joy and vitality.  Sustained productivity. Better sleep.  Freedom from flare-ups. A life of ease.

Does this sound like you?

You are tired of trying to find consistency just to have it derailed by flare-ups

You are sick of pain interfering with everything you want to do

You feel isolated, frustrated, and really down sometimes. You miss the people and activities that brought you joy before pain

You are tired of feeling invalidated, misunderstood, and psychologized for your pain

Your life is starting to feel smaller and you're missing the things that brought you joy before pain

You lack confidence in coping with your flare-ups and approaching your day, so you just push through – it’s the only way to get everything done, and you pay for it later

You are tired of the fatigue when chronic pain disrupts your sleep

You are overwhelmed after years of trying to manage the stress and anxiety related to your chronic pain

You are burnt out to the max, always striving to maintain balance and meeting others’ expectations

You are a high achiever, so balancing your pain management and demanding lifestyle feels impossible

Imagine this instead!

Enjoying stable pain and energy levels so that you can focus on your health and goals without fear or flare-ups

Getting back to recreation, hobbies, and social activities without the burden of chronic pain holding you back

Being able to focus and sustain productivity because pain isn’t interrupting everything you want to do... maybe even getting to those special projects

Engaging in activities confidently, with a proven system to simultaneously reduce flare-ups

Embracing new experiences and adventures with ease because you have a plan and your body isn’t as sensitive

Restful sleep, waking up confident and ready to tackle the day with energy and vitality

Feeling more fulfilled than ever knowing that you can actually do the things you planned

Experiencing peace of mind and emotional well-being

Embodying freedom in every area of your life

That sounds amazing right?!

Well, what I just described to you can be achieved through a biopsychosocial, all-encompassing, system that leaves no stone unturned.  One that empowers YOU to take back the driver’s seat from your pain.

Now I know what you may be thinking…

“I’ve tried all of the recommendations and the fixes, I've seen every specialist... with disappointing results”.  

“I’ve done therapy and tried to exercise”.  

“My doctor told me to just learn to live with my pain, that I need to accept my new normal”.

“Recovery just isn’t in the cards for me”.

But the truth is, while recovery looks different for everyone… everyone CAN find their recovery.

I tried all of the fixes and therapies myself and thought “it must be me” and “there must be something really wrong here”.  I was working so hard to recover from chronic pain.

Truth be told… I did recover from chronic pain.  But I didn’t recover in the way you think I did.

I recovered because I stopped limiting my success by measuring pain levels and putting the outcomes in the hands of my doctors.

My recovery happened because I had a system and strategies in place that put ME in the driver’s seat.

It happened because I was crystal clear on what I needed to do in order to get my nervous system to stop overprotecting me with pain and what was fueling my flare-ups and crashes.  Then, I made damn sure I was crystal clear about what was driving my choices and behaviors moving forward.

You see, many providers out there are looking to address the physical aspects of pain.  They want to find the problem and fix it.  But boy does that feel tough when it doesn’t fix us or the problem can’t be seen anywhere on our labs, tests, or imaging. 

The truth is, most conventional approaches for chronic pain are limited to just the physical. 

Sure, there’s psychological, complimentary and alternative approaches, and even some pain coaches out there who have successfully recovered from pain and want to teach you how too.

Still, most of those approaches are pretty limited. 

I’m not saying these pieces aren’t important.  I’m saying that when we limit our approach to just one part, then we aren't addressing the whole problem.


Having an all-encompassing, holistic approach that acknowledges your pain as multidimensional and unique to you is THE BEST WAY to get back the things you lost to pain without spinning your wheels and spending all of your hard earned money on the next trend or fix. 

And there’s nothing quite like having personalized guidance through this critical education to help you progress in your recovery faster than if you tried to DIY it or muddle through it on your own.

It is the way to 3x your joy, vitality, and reclaim sustained productivity.

You already have what it takes.  You’ve done the research.  You are a high-achiever.  You are persistent.  You know what you want your life to look like.

It’s time to design your life to reflect what you really want.  FREEDOM.

Meet your new, trusted, and knowledgeable chronic pain ally

Hi, I’m Dr. Anna Redmond.  I’m a trained clinical psychologist, board certified in biofeedback, and highly specialized in chronic pain management.

I’m obsessed with helping women wake up with confidence to start the day they designed for themselves, without being held back by their flare-ups.  We deserve it.

I've been weaving my way through medical settings, the digital world, AND I've navigated pain myself.  To add fuel to the fire, I ignored my body, and pushed through it all in the name of people pleasing and perfectionism.

Talk about a one-way ticket to burnout in every direction possible.

This wasn’t sustainable.  Focusing on a medical fix for my pain, even with the psychological strategies I had in my toolbox, wasn’t effective. 

And, if you’re anything like me, it won’t be sustainable or effective for you either.

Why now?

You see, regardless of how pain started, the nervous system can get more involved after 6+ months of having chronic pain.

As the brain becomes more protective over time, the pain gets amplified, the body more sensitive.

This is called neuroplasticity – our brain learns to protect us better based on new experiences. The longer this goes on, the more widespread and sensitive your pain will become.

Now is the time to take advantage of the bright side of neuroplasticity.  Learning how to communicate safety to your brain, so that it doesn’t have to create as much pain to protect you.

Many women try to DIY this, but they can’t figure out how to integrate what they’ve learned into the unique context of their pain and their lives… they keep wasting time.

An all-encompassing approach with a heavy dose of pain science that gives YOU power is where it’s at. 

This is where the science is leading us and leading other women to find their unique recovery.  

So what do you say?

Are you ready for critical education and personalized guidance to design a day that aligns with what you really want to do, without being controlled by flare-ups?

The Breaking Through Pain program gives you all of the pain neuroscience, psychology, science-backed mind-body techniques, narrative rewriting, value-identification, movement and energy management strategies that you need in order to be successful in finding your recovery.

This program puts my proven strategy into an actionable framework that you can follow with the feedback, accountability, and support that you need to find the joy, vitality, and sustained productivity you lost to pain years ago.

It’s the complete A-Z process to find (and sustain) your unique recovery from chronic pain.

Are you ready?  Let’s do this.

Let’s stay connected.

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