Want to exit that neverending cycle of crashes and chronic pain flare-ups?

Helping goal-driven women design a life that is bigger than their pain.

My mission is to create a home for you: the growth-minded, ambitious woman living with pain who is ready to get down to the hard work of change.

Meet Anna, a chronic pain educator and trained pain psychologist with a passion for personal improvement.

Design a life you can feel present in.

You are a highly motivated woman living with persistent musculoskeletal pain. Like so many women, your pain is becoming more sensitive, widespread, and impactful in each moment. It is becoming a roadblock to your ambition. To everything that once held meaning for you.

You’ve been let down by the medical model. You’re frustrated by your progress, despite investing so much time and energy into your health. You’ve even wondered if it’s time to just accept the mediocre results you’ve had.

Whether cycling between under-active and fearful, overactive and crashing, or generally feeling held back from living the life you want, there is a place for you here.

Pain doesn’t have to be in charge of your life. I believe there is another way.

Here, you will learn things that no one has taught you about your pain. You will learn to understand and desensitize your body so that you can feel safe in it again.

Your everyday experiences can change your brain - to work for you or against you.

We call this “neuroplasticity”, and it’s your brain’s ability to adapt and respond to your environment. With pain experiences, neuroplasticity can work against you by turning up the volume on your pain.

Using positive aspects of neuroplasticity, you will learn powerful methods to reorganize the nervous system’s response to pain, finding healing with everyday experiences.

Once you are looking at pain through a fresh, new lens, you will begin to build forward momentum, get back to being productive, and reduce the noise of pain. You’ll have the space to enjoy the life you have designed for yourself.

Hi! I’m Dr. Anna Redmond.

I help goal-driven women living with chronic pain to stop fighting with their body and design a life that is bigger than their pain.

With over a decade of experience, I’ve specialized in working with patients suffering from long-standing pain and the physical impact of stress on their bodies.

Together, we approach pain educationally from all angles - personal, physical, behavioral. We start with small changes that add up to big goals, and we reconceptualize everything you think you know about pain.

Discover powerful methods that help you feel








My education is your path forward.

You may feel like you’ve tried everything and have heard it all before, but you CAN learn a new way of thinking about pain. My education provides daily opportunities to retrain the nervous system to respond in a different way. It goes far beyond stretching and positive thinking. It works by changing how your brain responds to pain - and that changes everything.

With small changes, we can see the emergence of a new level of confidence, stamina, and thoughtful awareness in your everyday life. After learning from me, you’ll walk away with new, powerfully effective skills for long-term wellness, so that you can take back control of your time and intentionally create the life you’ve been craving.

Welcome to the community of action takers who refuse to let pain rule their life.

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